this year’s renegade craft fair was my first as a vendor as well as renegade’s first fair of the season <LA-SF-CHI to follow>.  mama nature was particularly kind because it was torrential friday + sunday evenings – yet somehow, both saturday and sunday were absolutely beautiful! so much so that i managed to burn the backs of my knees to a crisp, i swear ma – i wore 45spf

p*Charming set-up Day2

p*Charming set-up Day2

situated around the track, it was amusing watching artists + shoppers bolt through the soccer field to grab a bite or use the temporary bathrooms – with running water and soap!

alphabet river

alphabet river

people really enjoyed spelling out their names as well as making bff matchy necklaces.
this lovely lady brought her friend back on Day 2 and shows off the layered look quite well

pretty model

pretty model

busy bee Day1

busy bee Day1

caught in action!  as is pretty apparent, i was manning p*Charming whilst amazing friends looked over prismPOP.  in case you were lost / overwhelmed (300 vendors this year) p*Charming shared a booth with ikyoto + Look Closely Press; prismPOP with Caja Jewelry all of whom i met through my proud participation in the etsy street team: the {NewNew}; which I must tell you is an incredibly nurturing group of artisans + crafters.  i had fantastic neighbors!

sister friends manning prismPOP

sister friends manning prismPOP

all in all, renegade was a beautiful outdoor weekend full of delicious food (thanks in large part to a pretzel croissant from my old neighborhood bakery pal) super company & fun.  i am so looking forward to heading to cali next month to do it again in SF and LA!  please do introduce yourself as i am an easterner + would love some company.

also, if you are not already on the mailing lists(pP & p*C), sign up for discounts!