too personal

hiya peoples.   what i’ve been up to:

+ i moved.  i still have coney island ties (studio space) but live back in manhattan, in a very teeny tiny apartment and i ❤ my neighborhood!  i’ve done some crafty things to spruce the place up, but still have so much left to do in terms of decorating and organizing.  i’m excited to share photos of the bathroom soon.

+ i purged.  when i packed up my belongings in brooklyn, i tossed a ton of things & donated even more.  then once i paid the movers for 35+ boxes and saw them filling up the <300 sq.ft. space, i dumped even more.  after 3 weeks and one box still left unpacked, i asked myself ‘i haven’t missed those items thus far, is it even worth sorting through?’ that box did get some tlc and most of it was trash or charity.  ** i highly recommend this exercise! if you ignore something for 1month, 6months, 1year, it might be ok to de-clutter** turns out, less really is more (ahhhhh)

+ my little dark secret is that i’m a fashion harlot.  i used to feel ashamed (so fickle! so meaningless!) but i’ve come to embrace it and started a tocar.tumblr in celebration

+ morning mantra.  after reading ten benefits to rising early, i took away a daily dalai lama morning meditation ‘today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others, I am going to benefit others as much as I can.’

and with that, i look forward to sharing more colorful posts soon! xoxo

i’m such a sucker for old things.  but if i’m being painfully honest, a bit skeeved by used/antique apparel. therefore, perfect solution: family vintage!  dear mom, WHY DIDN’T YOU KNOW THAT I WAS GOING TO WANT THIS SHIRT AND SAVE IT FOR 20+ YEARS? gah!  i’m lucky to have a fashionista for a mother, but teeny-tiny unlucky that she is a passionate purger.  le sigh

nice scowl, self (must have known the shirt would never be mine)

i love flow charts and fortunately julian hansen matched my affection towards diagrams with an equal adoration of typefaces.  click above to see full size.  and thanks for the tip baby bro.

*i particularly like the steps leading me to hideous comic sans

to be honest, i find it challenging . . . wanting to update on every latest trend — but turns out that there is always something new going on.  after a handful of thoughtful compliments and words of encouragement, i resume blogging.

in addition to my jo(e)(seph)s i’ve been drawing more people + pets

now i really ought to update my etsy site

what i’m workin’ on today

rock on baby

love fun family portraits 🙂 i can’t wait to share photos when it’s printed on canvas!

for a while now, i’ve wanted to scavenge local thrift stores and create an upcycled throw from unwanted wool sweaters.  to be totally honest, i teeter along the line of skeeved out and eco-mindful.  thankfully chicagowillie offers incredible step-by-step instructions, including washing with extra hot water! (adios germs, sorry mother earth – is this net zero?)  but really, why does a wool knit elicit so much anxiety when i certainly don’t mind generic hotel sheets nor used t-shirts (is cotton less odor absorbent?)  hmmm, one for the shrink.  anyway follow these 4 blog posts + make one of your own!

1: Sweater Felting Tools and Supplies
2: Choosing Sweaters
3: Washing + Cutting
4: Design Development

thanks for the direction chicago willie 🙂

and i got some fantastic things!  can’t wait to photograph and catalog the very specialness ❤

thank you to everyone who came to Renegade LA + Renegade SF ! both fairs were great and i really fell in love with california on this trip.

Thank You - artichoke

Thank You - artichoke

i’ve just finished 3 thank you notes to those who made my time out there even BETTER.  clearly i will take any excuse to pull out my trusty prismacolor markers <at least 5 years old – shows how much i don’t use the ink 😦 > updates on SF trends and more to come . . .

combo post friday + saturday : might not be the right thing to do but “it is what it is”

Sunday Wedding

sunday wedding

heading to PA for a wedding & really enjoyed drawing this card.  wondering if it is a good or bad idea to add custom/personalized/hand-drawn work to my ETSY shop.  i had forgotten how much i love micron pens and prismacolor markers <for shame>.  if you are reading this and you catch it in time, come to the Fort Greene Flea Saturday June13 and say you read my blog for 20% off.  be there or be somewhere else because fingers crossed for a no rain weekend.


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